PS3 Wireless Keypad

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  • Wireless Keypad for the PS3 turns your regular controller into a texting device with mouse input capabilities
  • Attaches to any DualShock 3 or SixAxis wireless controller
  • QWERTY keypad is designed for fast, thumbs-only typing
  • Touchpad mouse allows for convenient scrolling and selection
  • Designed with Bluetooth 2.0 and a rechargeable Lithium-ion polymer battery

  • The Wireless keypad for the PlayStation 3 system provides the freedom of easy to use texting and mouse input capabilities, all while maintaining full gameplay functionality in one easy-to-hold device. This Bluetooth device attaches to any Dualshock 3 or Sixaxis wireless controller and enables effortless internet browsing, e-mailing and instant messaging on the PlayStation Network and PlayStation Home. The unique touch pad feature allows for convenient scrolling and mouse input on the PS3 system on screen display. Dedicated short cut keys provide instant access to 'Message Box' and other online communication applications on the PlayStation Network.
    Brand: Sony, Model: 98048, Color: One Color, Size: One Size

    Custom Tab 01

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