Project Mc2 Experiment with Doll - Adrienne's Perfume

Project Mc2
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  • Make your own perfume with Project Mc2 culinary chemist, Adrienne Attoms
  • Comes with premium articulated Adrienne doll, dressed in a totally cool outfit
  • Also includes a fun science activity: perfume bottle to experiment again and again
  • Experiment uses just household ingredients
  • From the Netflix original series

  • Now you can perform an experiment at home with Adrienne Attoms, Project Mc2's resident culinary chemist (yes, it's a thing!). Make your own perfume just using household ingredients like rose petals, vanilla and rosewater. Picking Up S.T.E.A.M.: As you break up the rose petals, you release essential oils containing natural fragrance. Those oils are the essence of a plant's scent, and that's what makes it "essential"! When you mix the crushed rose petals and rosewater together, you infuse and enhance the rosewater with the characteristics of the flower, giving your perfume an extra rosy scent. And that's pretty essential for a beautifully fragrant perfume! Doll Set Features: - Premium, articulated Adrienne doll, dressed in her undercover spy outfit that reflects her individual style. Her gloved hands make sure she leaves no fingerprints behind. So many pretty details! - Also includes a fun science activity: perfume bottle to experiment again and again - Household ingredients not included - Accessories for the doll include: chic sunglasses, spy disguise glasses, purse, and beaker-shaped comb - Ages: 6 years

    Brand: Project Mc2, Model: 539186

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