Includes two Philips Sonicate AirFlosPro Replacement Nozzles
Slim, angled nozzle and guidance tip make proper placement easy
Safe and gentle on teeth and gums, and safe to use with implants, veneers, and orthodontics
Can be used with water or your favorite mouth rinse for a fresh clean
For best results, replace your nozzle every six months
Includes two Philips Sonicare AirFlosPro Replacement Nozzles
Designed to work with the Philips Sonicare HX8331/11 AirFloss Pro Rechargeable Electric Flosser, the Philips Sonicare HX8032/64 AirFloss Pro Replacement Nozzles, 2-Pack provide an easy, effective way to clean your teeth and gums. AirFloss Pro's combination of air and micro-droplets of water or mouth rinse travel through the nozzle to remove plaque between teeth. The slim, angled nozzle and guidance tip ensures targeted cleaning in hard-to-reach areas and a quick clean of your entire mouth in just 60 seconds. The nozzle guidance tip makes it easy to find the spaces between teeth and place the tip at the appropriate angle for maximum cleaning. Simply guide it along the gum line until you feel it settle between teeth. Replace your nozzle every six months for best results. Brand: Philips Sonicare, Model: HX8032/64
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