Peter Thomas Roth Max Complexion Correction Pads (60 Pads)

Peter Thomas Roth
SKU: EZFB0002Z81O0
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  • Beauty product.ACTIVE INGREDIENT: Salicylic Acid 2%.Purpose Acne Treatment.Usage:Cleanse skin thoroughly. Gently wipe affected area to remove remaining traces of oil, dead skin cells, pollutants and makeup residue. Because excessive drying of the skin may occur, start with one use daily, then increase as needed. If bothersome dryness or peeling occurs, reduce use to once a day or every other day.
  • This item is not a Tester. Packaging may vary
  • Care- Skin irritation and dryness is more likely to occur if you use another topical acne medication at the same time. If irritation occurs, only use one topical acne medication at a time
  • 10% Glycolic Acid (AHA) exfoliates surface dead skin cells and stimulates cellular turnover
  • Green Tea Extract, an anti-oxidant, protects the skin from free radical damage
  • Arginine buffers the skin from irritation

  • Cleanse skin, clear up acne and blackheads, penetrate and clear out pores, and reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles with these powerful pads. Each pad contains maximum strength 2% Salicylic Acid and potent 10% Glycolic Acid Complex in an advanced botanical formulation to cleanse the skin, clear up active acne, minimize pore size, and eliminate the formation of new blackheads and breakouts. Double-sided pads deliver gentle cleansing action on one side and superior exfoliation on the textured side. Formulated with a fresh peach bellini scent instead of a traditional antiseptic scent.
    Brand: Peter Thomas Roth, Model: 512, Size: 60 pads

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