Handmade with genuine silvertip badger bristles - the softest available
Generates a rich luxurious lather when used with a quality shave soap or cream
A must for preparing your face for a close shave
Comes with a free lucite brush stand to hang brush after use for proper drying
A high quality brush to provide years of service
Outstanding quality is the trademark of Parker's shave brushes. Silvertip badger is considered by many to be the best material for bristles due to its ability to hold large amounts of water while also being extremely soft and luxurious. Manufactured with the highest quality bristles this brush will generate a rich and thick lather. See for yourself why we believe our silvertip badger brush will compete with brands costing hundreds of dollars and will be your favorite. This offering comes with a free brush stand so that you can hang the brush upside down after use -- this is critical for the care of the brush to ensure proper drying and years of use. Brand: Parker Safety Razor, Color: Black
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