Paddywhack Lane Ella's Ballerina Studio Playset

Paddywhack Lane
Out Of Stock


  • Figure has nine poseable joints
  • Your child will spend hours of pretend-playtime with our Costumed Kids Figures and Accessories
  • Ella loves the ballet
  • Includes Poseable Ella Figure, Poseable Dog-Dog the Puppy, Ballerina Costume, Hair Ribbon, Glittery Cape, Floral Ballet Bar, Full-Length SwivelMirror, and Fold-Out Play Scene
  • It's what you believe inside that makes you - the outside is mostly fabrics and stitching

  • Ella loves the ballet! She is busy practicing her grand plie, while her puppy, Dog-Dog barks in approval. Later, Ella will be the featured ballerina in an afternoon performance on the Blue Sky Stage! Your child will spend hours of pretend-play time with this costumed kids figure and accessories. Collect them all, this beautifully detailed set includes: poseable Ella figure, poseable Dog-Dog the Puppy, ballerina costume, hair ribbon, glittery cape, floral ballet bar, full length swivel mirror, fold-out play scene.
    Brand: Paddywhack Lane, Model: 30601

    Custom Tab 01

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