Pacific Merchants Acaciaware 16.5- by 5.5-Inch Acacia Wood Oval Baguette Serving Tray

Pacific Merchants Trading
Out Of Stock


  • Oblong serving tray for baguettes, baked treats, and fruit; 16 inches long
  • Durable, resinous acacia hardwood with rich color and prominent grain
  • Harvested using careful practices to protect and sustain the environment
  • Handcrafted for subtly unique details on each piece; water- and stain-resistant
  • Wash by hand and air dry; can be treated with non-toxic mineral oil

  • Acaciaware, by Pacific Merchants, is the highest quality and best valued Acacia woodenware available on the market; the bowls are hand turned from one solid piece of Acacia hardwood and the serving pieces are hand carved, making each one a unique, sculptured work of art. Acaciaware is a dense, naturally resinous hardwood which, by its very nature, resists penetration by water and will not absorb stains or odors. Use the Acaciaware Baguette Tray every day and use it on special occasions – the exquisite craftsmanship, gorgeous color and natural design will make a special occasion out of any occasion. Acaciaware also means easy care. Hand wash with warm soapy water and air dry. It doesn't typically require oil but, if for some reason it appears to be drying out, simply use a non-toxic mineral oil to restore the wood grain to its original beauty. Creating high quality woodenware is not Pacific Merchants only concern, they are also concerned about the environment. Their wood sources do not harm the environment by using slash and burn methods of harvesting trees. All of their wood is harvested with care meaning that the trees they use are harvested legally from privately owned lands, which are highly regulated and monitored by the government. Pacific Merchants cares about sustaining the environment and are constantly looking for wood sources. The Acaciaware Baguette Tray keeps counters and tables crumb free. Overall, tray measures 16 by 2 by 1-1/2.
    Brand: Pacific Merchants Trading, Model: K0571, Color: Acacia, Size: 16.5-inch

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