Pac-Man Connect and Play - 12 Classic Games

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  • Celebrating the 35th Anniversary of Pac-Man; Bandai's Pac-Man Connect and Play brings back your favorite classic video games right to your television
  • Game case styled in iconic Pac-Man design, cords store inside case
  • Connect the included cords directly into your television A/V jacks to play
  • One joystick controller built into game case - and now with improved functionality
  • Includes 12 classic games to play: iconic Pac-Man game, rare Level 256 game, and 10 other games; 4 AA batteries required (not included)

  • Celebrating the 35th Anniversary of Pac-Man. Bandai's Pac-Man Connect and Play brings back your favorite classic video games right to your television! The battery-operated old school joystick connects right to your TV. Featuring 12 Classic games like: Pac-Man, Pac-Man Plus, Bosconian, Galaxian, Mappy, Super Pac-Man, Galaga, Dig Dug, New Rally X, Pac & Pal and Xevious. Not to mention, Pac-Man 256, which offers fans the chance to play the coveted level once made unavailable due to a bug in the program of the supposedly never-ending game. The 256 Challenge lets you begin where the original game left off. The unique Pac-Man shaped controller is designed to reflect the nostalgia of 80's arcade style gaming. The Store and Play feature allows real Pac-Man fanatics to store the cord in the controller for the best display of Pac-Man. This Pac-Man Connect and Play is improved with great functionality with the joystick controller! Requires 4 AA batteries (not included). Ages 4.
    Brand: Pac-Man, Model: 38886, Color: Yellow

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