LeapFrog Leapster Learning Game Finding Nemo

SKU: EZFB00029R6H4
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  • Explore life under the sea in learning adventures with Nemo, Dory and Marlin!
  • Select the correct number of fish to complete the mathematics problem and help you swim safely across the channel.
  • Help Dory bounce through a stinging jellyfish forest by picking the best letters on which to land.
  • Learn about amazing underwater plant and animal life as you cross the ocean in search of Nemo.
  • Teaches phonics skills, reading skills, mathematics skills and science facts. Works only with Leapster and Leapster2 learning game systems.

  • Little ones can plunge into a fun-filled learning adventure with this Finding Nemo Leapster Electronic Book. Join Nemo, Marlin and Dory in an array of engaging activities that teach key pre-kindergarten and kindergarten reading and math skills, phonics, spelling, addition and marine science.
    Brand: LeapFrog, Model: 80-20232E

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