Bowl and strainer basket can be use separately for other tasks
Dishwasher Safe
For easy salad preparation, try the SoftWorks Salad Spinner. Simply press the soft, non-slip knob to start the basket spinning. Washing and drying leafy vegetables has never been simpler or more fun than with this gadget. One hand is all you need to press the soft, cushioned knob to start the spinning; when the built-in brake is applied and the job is done, the basket and bowl can be taken apart and used separately. The knob locks down for easy storage, and the spinner is dishwasher-safe. Use this tool with lettuce, raw spinach, broad-leafed herbs, and greens--they end up clean and oh-so-dry, and the drier your leaves, the better salad dressings will adhere. Brand: OXO, Model: 1045421, Color: white, Size: Large
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