Our Generation Mini Ayla 6-Inch Doll

Our Generation
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  • 6" COLLECTIBLE AYLA DOLL - Easy to fit in your pocket for a new adventure, Mini Ayla is an adorable 6-inch version of your favorite friend. She has strawberry hair, clear blue eyes that open and close, and a delightful personality!
  • COMES WITH GREAT STUFF! - The Our Generation non-poseable Mini Ayla 6-inch doll includes 1 frilly pink skirt, 1 gray tank top, 1 gray knit sweater, 1 pair of pink tights, 1 flower hairband, and 1 pair of shoes.
  • TRUSTED QUALITY - All our dolls, clothes, and accessories are made with safe, carefully-chosen, high-quality material. They're easy to clean and maintain and are shipped in eco-friendly packaging. For more information see our website.
  • OUR GENERATION MISSION - We're dedicated to a new, multifaceted generation of girls who are playing hockey, getting involved in charities, dressing fashion-forward, and still finding time to, you know, be kids! Our Generation is much bigger than an 18" doll. It's about girls growing, playing, and changing the world together.

  • Easy to fit in your pocket for a new adventure, Mini Ayla is an adorable 6-inch version of your favorite friend. She has strawberry hair, clear blue eyes that open and close, and a delightful personality! All Our Generation dolls, clothes, and accessories are made with safe, carefully-chosen, high-quality material. They can be collected and saved and recycled the old fashioned way (by being passed on), are shipped in eco-friendly packaging, and are easy to clean and maintain. At Our Generation we're dedicated to a new, multifaceted generation of girls who are playing hockey, getting involved in charities, dressing fashion-forward, and still finding time to, you know, be kids! Our Generation is much bigger than an 18" doll. It's about girls growing up together and creating the narrative of an extraordinary generation. Every time an Our Generation doll or accessory is purchased we donate 10 cents to the Free The Children's Power of a Girl Initiative, which is dedicated to addressing the unique challenges young girls face in accessing education, staying healthy, and overcoming poverty in developing countries. This non-poseable Mini Ayla doll comes with 1 frilly pink skirt, 1 gray tank top, 1 gray knit sweater, 1 pair of pink tights, 1 flower hairband, and 1 pair of shoes. For ages 3 and up.
    Brand: Our Generation

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