One with nature dead sea mineral dead sea salt soap
Bar with Dead Sea Salts and Shea Butter
Triple Milled
One With Nature Dead Sea Mineral Dead Sea Salt Soap. Description:Triple Milled. Rejuvenating. Bar with Dead Sea Salts and Shea Butter. More than 1300 feet below sea level, the shores of the Dead Sea mark the world's lowest elevation and the sight of one of nature's greatest wonders. Fed by the River Jordan, the Dead Sea's mineral rich salts and muds, have unique therapeutic value, acting to deeply cleanse and tone while restoring the skin's natural PH. This unique soap combines genuine Dead Sea salts-thousands of years in the making- with a pure vegetable base to provide a truly natural cleansing experience. Put simply-The Dead Sea is really old, but using this bar of soap will help you and your skin look and feel younger. You just won't believe it until you try it. Disclaimer These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Brand: Only Natural, Model: 893455000080, Size: 7 oz
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