You will receive a Pack of 6 Old Spice Fresh Collection Invisible Solid Fiji Scent Men's Anti-Perspirant & Deodorant, 2.6 Oz
Volcano-powered sweat destroyer with Palm Tree scent.
Where freshness smells from.
Newer and Fresher Than Coconuts and Daydreams
On the tropical islands of Fiji, man created one of his greatest inventions: the hammock. Hammocks are what men would sleep in if it weren't for women, who require sheets and pillows and spring mattresses. But even if you rise from one of these so-called beds, you can still relax in the fresh ''scent hammock'' of Fiji scent all day long. It reminds shower-ers of a beachside resort where the drinks are free and the sand helps fight dirt and odor. Brand: Old Spice, Model: 12044015605, Size: 6 Count
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