Nostalgia RHP310COKE Coca-Cola 8-Cup Hot Air Popcorn Maker

SKU: EZFB0088Q21P0
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  • Pops up to 8-cups of popcorn per batch
  • Unique popping chamber design creates swirling airflow that results in fewer unpopped kernels
  • Healthy, oil-free popping
  • Includes measuring cap to ensure proper amount of kernels
  • Convenient countertop size
  • BPA free

  • This countertop beauty has that classic Coke look that any collector will love. In just minutes, family and friends can enjoy the taste of freshly popped popcorn! The unique popping chamber design creates a swirling airflow, using hot air instead of oil to produce a light and healthy snack. This popcorn maker comes with a measuring cap that assures the proper amount of kernels are used in each batch. Live on the Coke side of life!
    Brand: Nostalgia, Model: RHP310COKE, Color: Coke Red, Size: One Size

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