Northern Brewer Silver Serpent Stainless Steel Home Brewing Immersion Wort Chiller - 25 FT Stainless Steel Coil with Vinyl Tubing and Connections

Northern Brewer
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  • The most sanitary immersion chiller on the market
  • Drop-angle connections provide insurance against contamination
  • Ensure secure tubing with proprietary barbed fittings
  • Stainless Steel Immersion Wort Chiller
  • Vinyl Tubing; one end with a garden hose fitting for attaching to a utility sink

  • Innovation of an indispensable brew tool. A simple tweak-adding barbed fittings and a drop-angle to our favorite immersion wort chiller-spawns a new best-in-class product. Introducing Silver Serpent, the most sanitary immersion chiller on the market. Brew with peace of mind like never before. Drop-angle connections and secure tubing with proprietary barbed fittings. Eradicate shooting streams of water that make a mess in your brew cave. Do away with ill-fitting hose clamps on mis-shapen chiller connections. Maximize flow and minimize fuss. The Silver Serpent drop-angle eliminates kinked tubing. No more hassling with propping up water hose. Tubing can now hang tension-free, kink-free and problem-free. Surprise leaks stay outside your kettle and away from cooling wort. Includes: Stainless Steel Immersion Chiller, Vinyl Tubing; one end with a garden hose fitting for attaching to a utility sink, Hose clamps to secure tubing to barbed fittings. Note: Product arrives fully assembled.
    Brand: Northern Brewer, Color: Stainless Steel

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