Nickelodeon Fisher-Price Dora and Friends Cafe

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  • Help Dora and her friends plan and put on events at the Arco Iris Café
  • Find the magic charms Dora needs and place them into the playset to hear phrases, sounds and the hit song from the television show
  • Playset features two floors of play, lights, sounds, phrases and comes with over 10 play pieces
  • Includes magic charms and a charm bracelet for you
  • You can collect even more charms and charm bracelets to wear & share! (Each sold separately & subject to availability)

  • Fisher Price Arco Iris Cafe Playset Dora and her friends love hanging out at the Arco Iris Cafe after all their adventures in Playa Verde! The cafe is also the perfect place for them to put on a benefit concert, a dance or a fiesta fantastica! Help Dora and friends as they work together in the cafe! Just find the charm Dora needs from your magical charm bracelet and place it into the playset-the cafe's lights will sparkle and shine and you will hear a song and phrases from Dora and her amigas! The cafe features two floors of play, lights, over 35 phrases in English and Spanish and a song from the show! The cafe comes with a Dora figure, cafe furniture, six magical charms and a charm bracelet for you that looks just like Dora's! You can add charms to your bracelet and expand the world of Dora & Friends with more figures and playsets! Each sold separately & subject to availability. Requires 3 "AA" batteries. Ages 3

    Brand: Nickelodeon, Model: BHT18

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