NEW, Cake Stand, Cake Display, Pie Display, Pastry Display, Stainless Steel Base, Includes Clear Acrylic Lid by Onesource

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  • stainless steel stand is 13" diamater and 7" height
  • plastic cover is 12" diameter and 8" height

  • Diners used to showcase their freshly baked goods in glass-covered, pedestal cake stands, giving their patrons something to contemplate while they dined on their lunches and suppers. Now you can have the same effect in your home or when you bring a cake over for dinner with relatives and friends! This classic cake stand is similar to those of yesteryear - a stand made of stainless with a tall plastic lid that keeps your cakes, pastries and pies fresh. Ideal for both storing and serving baked goods, the 2 piece set features a shiny stainless steel plate supported by a classically tiered base. You can use this diner style cake stand at home to safeguard pies and cakes from hungry kitchen traffic or display it as a centerpiece to keep breakfast bagels and doughnuts fresh.
    Brand: Onesource, Model: UP-CS13, Color: Clear and Silver

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