Nature's Alchemy Essential Oil, Camphor 0.5 oz

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  • Cinnamomum camphora.
  • Uses include aromatherapy, bodycare, crafts, environmental fragrance
  • Combining ancient wisdom and modern science to delight the senses.

  • These 100% natural essential oils are meticulously extracted from plants by cold pressing or steam distillation using the same techniques developed by the medieval Persian physician Avicenna. All Nature's Alchemy high-quality botanical oils are scientifically tested for purity and contain no chemical solvents, added alcohol or other extenders. We feature high quality pure oils at competitive prices. Nature's Alchemy Oils are all aromatherapy grade.Perfect for aromatherapy, baths, room fragrancing, personal fragrance, potpourri, massage oil fragrancing or anywhere you would like to have a wonderful fragrance.Suggested Uses Aromatherapy: Fragrance can be a wonderful aid in relieving stress by creating a warm, relaxing atmosphere, and by reminding you of positive memories and experiences that bring joy, feelings of goodwill and open-heartedness.Body Care: Give your favorite unscented lotions, bath oils, creams and hair care products an exotic lift by mixing in a touch of essential oil.
    Brand: NATURE'S ALCHEMY ESSENTI, Model: 079565003030, Size: .5 FZ

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