Natura Bisse Diamond Extreme Eye, 0.8 fl. oz.

Natura Bisse
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  • Diamond Extreme Eye--25ml/0.8oz

  • This extraordinary and energizing treatment lifts, renews and hydrates the delicate skin around the eyes, reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles for a more youthful appearance. It also reduces hyper-pigmentation, diminishing under-eye shadows and restoring brightness. The treatment is formulated with an Epidermal Self Modulator that protects the skin, creating a natural barrier against environmental aggressors. Start your day feeling fresh and restored. You will love your skin. Lift, renews and moisturizes Reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles Diminishes under-eye shadows Epidermal Self Modulator protects skin against the environment Founded in Barcelona, Spain, in 1979, Natura Bisse has been a leader in innovating and developing the highest quality face and skin care products. Especially Suited For: All skin types, especially mature skin
    Brand: Natura Bisse, Model: 31A300, Size: 0.8 oz

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