For silky smooth skin that lasts longer than shaving
Perfect Temp technology wax strips
Dermatologist tested and effective for short hair
Inspired by luxurious Brazilian spa treatments, our Brazilian Spa Clay Face wax strips are infused with Mango Butter, Acai Berry and Mineral-Rich Clay to leave your skin smooth and radiant. And only Nair has unique Perfect Temp technology so you know immediately when strips are ready to use. Each wax strip contains the Nair logo embossed across the strip. Just warm the strip by hand, and when the logo fades across the entire strip, use the strip to remove unwanted hair. Get silky smooth skin that lasts longer than shaving, up to 8 weeks. Dermatologist tested and effective on short hair. Use it for face, eyebrows and bikini line. ( Individual results may vary.) Brand: Nair, Model: 29614
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