My Little Pony Twilight Sparkle's Twinkling Balloon

My Little Pony
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  • Electronic My Little Pony Twilight Sparkle's hot air balloon vehicle lights up and plays music for your figures to enjoy as they 'ride' in it! Balloon vehicle glows in night-light mode.
  • Balloon vehicle comes with TWILIGHT SPARKLE pony figure, SPIKE THE DRAGON figure and a 'telescope.' TWILIGHT SPARKLE tries to find the answer to every question! Whether studying a book or spending time with friends, she always learns something new!
  • Take your friends for a starlight 'ride' with this TWILIGHT SPARKLE'S TWINKLING BALLOON vehicle! Put your TWILIGHT SPARKLE pony figure and her SPIKE THE DRAGON friend figure inside the basket of this electronic balloon vehicle - and then turn it on so it lights up and plays music as they 'fly'!
  • Your SPIKE THE DRAGON figure can sit perched on the edge of the basket or even on top of the balloon to keep watch with the 'telescope.' When you've 'landed' the balloon vehicle, switch it to night-light mode so it will gently glow in your bedroom as you drift off to dreamland.
  • Balloon vehicle comes with TWILIGHT SPARKLE pony figure, SPIKE THE DRAGON figure and a 'telescope.'

  • TWILIGHT SPARKLE tries to find the answer to every question Whether studying a book or spending time with friends, she always learns something newTake your friends for a starlight ride with this TWILIGHT SPARKLES TWINKLING BALLOON vehicle Put your TWILIGHT SPARKLE pony figure and her SPIKE THE DRAGON friend figure inside the basket of this electronic balloon vehicle and then turn it on so it lights up and plays music as they fly Your SPIKE THE DRAGON figure can sit perched on the edge of the basket or even on top of the balloon to keep watch with the telescope. When youve landed the balloon vehicle, switch it to nightlight mode so it will gently glow in your bedroom as you drift off to dreamland.Balloon vehicle comes with TWILIGHT SPARKLE pony figure, SPIKE THE DRAGON figure and a telescope.
    Brand: My Little Pony, Model: 21474

    Custom Tab 01

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