My Little Pony Equestria Girls Rainbow Dash Doll

My Little Pony
Out Of Stock


  • Rainbow Dash doll has skirt and shoes for interchangeable styles
  • Style her hair with the included brush and accessorize with her butterfly hair accessory
  • Skirt and shoes work for cool looks with other Equestrial Girls dolls - sold separately
  • Includes Canterlot High membership ID card
  • Includes doll, skirt, shoes, brush, stickers, butterfly hair accessory and collector card

  • Straight from the halls of Canterlot High, the My Little Pony Equestria Girls dolls are 6 best friends with a flair for fashion and fun! Your Rainbow Dash doll comes stylishly dressed in an ultra-chic look and features her signature cutie splash, a unique design similar to the cutie mark on her pony alter ego. She comes with an interchangeable fashion skirt and shoes, and you'll love sharing styles between her and other My Little Pony Equestria Girls dolls (each sold separately). She also has her very own Canterlot High membership ID card! Trade skirts and shoes for the ultimate fashion fun with your super-stylish Rainbow Dash doll
    Brand: My Little Pony, Model: A4100, Color: N/A, Size: N/A

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