Includes 12, reusable 740ml plastic PET bottles, caps and bottle labels
A must have for every homebrewer
Designed to provide everything you need to bottle a 2 gallon batch of beer or hard cider
Makes storing and drinking your beer easy and convenient
These bottles are completely reusable and are composed of FDA compliant plastics and are BPA free
The Mr. Beer 740ml Deluxe Bottling System will come with everything you need to bottle 2 gallons of great tasting beer or hard cider. The Bottling System includes 12 reusable plastic bottles along with reusable screw-on caps and Mr. Beer logo labels. This Bottling System is an essential for every home-brewer and is a perfect way to store and drink your home-brew. Brand: Mr. Beer, Model: 22014, Color: Multicolor, Size: 740ml
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