Monster High Deluxe School Bus & Spa Playset

Monster High
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  • Take this Monster High bus to school and get ready along the way -- it transforms in an instant from rolling vehicle with room for six dolls (sold separately) into a spa play set with multiple play spaces
  • Pull the bumper to open the side and the top, revealing a multi-treatment spa! Pull further to swivel the seats!
  • The roof of the bus becomes a spa tub with slots to hold included smoothie drinks
  • The swivel seats provide access to a piranha pedicure
  • A mirrored vanity and smoothie bar pull out from the open side for spa treatments and healthy snacks

  • Take this Monster High bus to school! It can hit the open road -- or open into monsteriffic fun! The two-in-one bus transforms in an instant from rolling vehicle with room for six dolls (sold separately) into a spa play set with multiple play spaces. Pull the bumper to open the side and the top, revealing the spooktacular spa! The roof becomes a spa tub with spots to hold a smoothie. Pull the bumper a little more to swivel the seats and give the passengers access to the piranha pedicure. Then lift up the mirrored vanity and the smoothie bar and pull up a chair or stool for a beauty treatment or a snack. Smaller pieces help play out these spa moments, like a brush, hairdryer, blender and smoothie drinks. When the ghouls are gore-geous, close up the spa and head back on the road -- or to school. The Monster High school bus is designed in purple, blue and black with iconic touches, like bat wing-shaped "mirrors," spider web decals and the Monster High shield. Ghouls at home will love learning to embrace what makes them boo-tiful inside and out along with their beast friends from Monster High. Collect all of the Monster High dolls and play sets to bring the iconic school to life -- because everyone is welcome at Monster High (each sold separately, subject to availability). Includes Monster High bus with transforming features and themed accessories; dolls not included. Colors and decorations may vary.
    Brand: Monster High, Model: FCV63

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