High quality Category 6 (CAT6) patch cables are the solution to your internetworking needs
With a blazing speed of up to 550MHz you can connect to your LAN/WAN segments and networking gear at maximum speed
Also with its superior connector you get a cable that is built for speed and endurance
Monoprice Cat5e and Cat6 cables are made of 24 AWG pure bare copper wire as opposed to copper clad aluminum (CCA) wire and are therefore fully compliant with UL Code 444 and National Electrical Code TIA-568-C
2 fire and safety standards which require pure bare copper wire in Cat5e and Cat6 communications cables
Lifetime Warranty
High quality Category 6 (CAT6) patch cables are the solution to your internetworking needs. With a blazing speed of up to 550MHz you can connect to your LAN/WAN segments and networking gear at maximum speed. Also with its superior connector you get a cable that is built for speed and endurance Brand: Monoprice, Model: 102516, Color: Gray, Size: 75ft
Custom Tab 01
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