MMS Mesika Elastics by Yigal Mesika Trick

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  • Yigal Mesika's superior invisible elastic thread in a hand floss-style dispenser
  • Contains a single 100 foot fiber of elastic invisible thread
  • Made to the exacting specifications of Mesika Magic
  • Made in a matte finish and in black to hide its deceptive capabilities

  • Effect Due to Popular Demand, Yoga Mesika has released his famous invisible elastic thread! this Dispenser contains a single 100ft fiber of the same high quality elastic thread custom designed for Mesika Loops, the phenomenal international best-seller for over a decade! Easy to use and cleverly packaged in a dental floss-style dispenser. Mesika Elastics are made with a matte finish to diminish the reflection of light and are colored black for maximum invisibility. This thread can stretch up to five times its original size! One 100ft strip can be stretched almost two times the length of an American football field! This is the premier elastic thread for use with Finn Jon techniques or for anyone looking to create easy visual miracles. "I've been using invisible thread my entire career - and I've tried them all... Mesika Elastics are the best thread I've ever used, it is so strong and it really is invisible!"- Lysander "With Elastics, Yoga has provided the best solution [to the problems of working with invisible elastic thread] that I've seen to date.... ...the matte black finish is perfect for maximum invisibility... The bottom line is that if you want to explore the potential of this amazing material, Yigal's elastics gives you the best way to access a high quality source of invisible elastic thread."- Michael Ammar, MUM Magazine January 2007 "Yoga, I am so excited about your latest developments with elastic thread - your new single-thread container will make the impossible that much easier!"- Michael Weber.

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