MIZON Snail Foam Cleanser, 1.92 Ounce

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  • Mild and soft cleanser that turns from snail mucus foam into soft bubble-like cream that provides deep pore cleansing for clear and moisturized skin
  • Cleanses dirt, deep pores, dead skin, and rids of blackheads, sebum, and waste for clear, moisturized skin
  • Contains snail secretion filtrate and botanical extracts such as green tea and absinthe that don't irritate the skin
  • Step 8 in the Snail Repair line

  • Complete and obtain mochi-like skin through Mizon's Snail Repairing Foam Cleanser, a multifunction formula that improves skin texture and elasticity through deep pore cleansing. Its powerful cleansing capacity includes exfoliation, blackhead removal and deep pore cleansing that completely and refreshingly removing excess sebum, dead skin cells, and waste. Unlike other cleansers that dry out the skin, this all-in-one formula leaves you with soft, moist, and vibrant skin. Not only that, the texture of the product also distinguishes the cleanser from the rest. Starting off in sticky snail mucus foam, it stretches into soft and abundant bubble-like whipped cream to purify the skin. With excellent cleansing power and fun texture, you'll have a blast cleansing your skin.
    Brand: MIZON, Model: MizonS01-F, Size: 1 pack

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