Mix Tape 1GB USB Memory Stick

Suck UK
Out Of Stock


  • Cardboard cassette tape with a USB memory stick inside
  • A modern take on an old-school gesture
  • Space to write a title, message and playlist
  • The perfect personalized gift for friends and loved ones
  • Comes with a 1GB memory stick that holds 900 minutes of music

  • Remember in the days before digital music and MP3 players If you do, then you probably made compilations of all your favorite music to share with friends and loved ones on good old fashioned cassette tapes. The USB Mixtape brings this old-school idea up-to-date – a 1GB memory stick that fits inside a cardboard retro cassette. Just like the real thing, there's space to write a message, list the tracks you've chosen and create a completely personalized gift. The memory stick holds a whole lot more than an 80's cassette, with capacity for up to 900 minutes of music. Simply plug it into your Mac or PC, then add MP3 or any other files you like. 6 different designs, chosen at random.
    Brand: Suck UK, Model: SK MIXTAPEUSB1, Color: Multi-colored

    Custom Tab 01

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