Mild Lipase Powder (Calf) 1oz

New England Cheesemaking Supply
Out Of Stock


  • Adds flavor to Italian cheeses such as Mozzarella, Parmesan, Feta & others
  • Bottle contains 1oz of Lipase powder
  • Enough powder to treat 40-80 gallons of milk

  • This Italian Lipase adds a mild flavor to Italian cheeses such as Mozzarella, Parmesan, Feta and others. Dosage: Each 1oz. bottle contains approximately 5 teaspoons which is enough to do at least 40 gallons of milk and up to 80 gallons depending on your taste. Directions: For each 2 gallons of milk, dissolve 1/8-1/4 teaspoon lipase powder in 1/2 cup of cool water 1/2 hour before use. Add to milk just prior to rennet. Adjust amount used to your taste. Not to exceed 1/4 teaspoon per 2 gallons of milk. Contains: Active pregastric esterase enzymes from calf standardized with sodium chloride. Storage: Store tightly sealed in freezer up to 3 months for optimum performance. Longer storage may require increased usage levels to achieve the same enzyme activity.
    Brand: New England Cheesemaking Supply, Model: L3, Color: White, Size: 1oz

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