Michel Mercier Detangler - Detangling Hairbrush (Thick Hair)

Michel Mercier
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  • TECHNOLOGY - our unique no-tangle brush is patented and cutting edge, giving you a pain-free brushing experience, the 428 bristles with 32 different heights to apply the correct pressure to your hair.
  • DESIGN - Our classic Michel Mercier detangling brushes were the first ones in the market. The patented design quickly detangles wet or dry hair while gently massaging your scalp while brushing.
  • COLORS- The brushes are available for fine hair (pink brush), normal hair (green brush) and thick hair (blue brush).
  • HAIR TYPE - Michel Mercier Detangler Detangling Hairbrush For Thick Hair is perfect for styling your wet hair. It is a specially designed to remove knots and tangles.
  • KID-FRIENDLY - Perfect for adults and children. Healthy, shiny hair with almost no hair loss and breakage.

  • Michel Mercier Detangler, Blue Detangling Brush for Thick Hair The unique, patented & cutting edge technology detangling hair brush that offers a pleasant brushing experience! Hundreds of bristles of varying width and heights disperse the force and pressure placed on the hair during brushing, allowing quick detangling, reduced hair loss & breakage. Rounded, sturdy bristles gently massage the scalp while brushing, stimulating blood circulation, strengthening and adding shine to the hair. The only customized brush for any hair type developed to suit the needs of Fine, Normal and Thick hair. The special ergonomic design ensures best grip and control of the force placed put detangle brush on hair for a pleasant brushing experience.
    Brand: Michel Mercier, Model: 8550, Color: Blue, Size: Thick Hair

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