Mesquite wood chips for a flavor of the southwest; use with poultry, meats and peppers
Wood-chip bag for infusing food with smoky flavor
Wood-chip flavoring pre-sealed inside; releases smoke as it cooks
Works with an oven, grill, campfire, or other heat source
Easy to use; no messy cleanup
Cameron's Products Smoker Bag is made for oven, grill or campfire use. Use with fish, poultry, beef, pork, vegetables and game meat. The wood chip flavoring is already inside, sealed between the bottom two layers of foil and held in place by natural wood syrups, so preparation of your meal is a snap. The fish, poultry, meat, tofu or vegetables can be placed in the bag with seasonings to your taste – no fats, oils or salt need to be added. Fold the opening end three or four times to seal and press firmly. Place on the medium high barbeque grill or on the bottom rack of your 500 degree oven for the times given. The bag will balloon while cooking. Remove and cut the top open with a sharp knife for your moist and tasty smoked meal. Serve food from the foil bag and then toss away the bag. NO CLEAN UP AT ALL. Mesquite is the strongest flavor and is best for red meat and game meats. Brand: Camerons, Model: SMBAG-ME, Color: Silver
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