Melissa & Doug Wash, Dry and Iron Play Set - Pretend Play Laundry Cleaning Set

Melissa & Doug
Out Of Stock


  • Pretend-play laundry set with wooden washer/dryer and iron
  • Includes laundry checklist, clothes basket, iron, clothing, detergent, and dryer sheets
  • Front dryer window spins and knobs turn to set temperature controls
  • Sturdy wooden construction
  • Encourages hand-eye coordination and self-esteem

  • Laundry day has never been so much fun! Wash, dry, and iron with this wooden 8-piece set. Front-loading washer/dryer features a spin-able window, control knob for choosing wash or dry settings, and an attached ironing board. Laundry basket, detergent and dyer sheets store conveniently on the shelves. Press out wrinkles from the shirt and pants with the sturdy iron with settings knob, and then store the clean, ironed clothes in the clothes basket! Kids can even use the handy checklist to keep track of laundry day chores! Imaginative play encourages hand-eye coordination and self-esteem.
    Brand: Melissa & Doug, Model: 9352

    Custom Tab 01

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