Melissa & Doug Reusable Sticker Pad: Princess Castle - 200 Stickers and 5 Scenes

Melissa & Doug
SKU: EZF1223080846
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  • Extra-large sticker-activity pad
  • Includes 5 colorful backgrounds and 200 cling-style, repositionable stickers.
  • Removable background scenes include bedroom, ballroom, throne room, garden promenade, and garden.
  • Reposition the stickers again and again!
  • Promotes fine motor skills and creative play.

  • With over 200 royal stickers to place and five glossy background scenes to fill, this reusable activity pad sets the stage for countless princess sticker pictures! The cling-style stickers are easy to place, peel, and reposition, and fit in any of the five scenes--including a royal bedroom, ballroom, throne room, garden promenade, and brook-side garden. The oversize sticker book is bound at the top for neat storage and easy travel. (The rigid cardboard back makes it a great laptop activity for the car or airplane!) Background scenes and sticker pages tear out cleanly, too, so it's easy to lay them side by side on a tabletop or pass them around to share with a group. Great for fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination, narrative thinking, communication skills, and creative expression.
    Brand: Melissa & Doug, Model: 4306, Color: Reusable Sticker Pad

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