Melissa & Doug Puffy Sticker Activity Book: Pirates - 51 Reusable Stickers

Melissa & Doug
In Stock


Brand Melissa & Doug
Model 9102
Color _
Size One Size

  • Reusable puffy sticker play set
  • Includes 51 reusable puffy stickers
  • Double-sided glossy background with pirate-ship and desert-island scenes to fill
  • Convenient carrying handle--perfect for travel!
  • Great for fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination, creative expression, narrative thinking, and independent play.

  • These reusable puffy stickers are filled with swashbuckling appeal! Pick your pirate stickers and layer on some seaworthy duds to build your characters and launch a tale of peril and adventure. It's easy to keep the story sailing at a thrilling clip: Just layer the puffy stickers onto the double-sided background board to fill a pirate ship or desert island with buccaneers, then add treasure, sea creatures, hooks, cutlasses, daggers, and more to fill in the scene. Ready to jive-ho It's easy to lift, switch, layer, and rearrange it all to depict whatever pirate adventures a child can imagine! A built-in sticker collection--51 reusable puffy stickers in all--offers endless opportunities for kids to express their creativity and have lots of pretend-play fun, all while improving fine motor skills and communication. It's great for travel, too: The sturdy background board (with built-in handle!) folds to neatly store it all away.

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