Melissa & Doug My Own Wooden Mailbox Activity Set and Educational Toy

Melissa & Doug
Out Of Stock


  • Wooden mailbox with working door and flag
  • Set includes two reusable write-and-draw postcards, reusable ruled letter with envelope, letter and number stickers, three wipe-clean crayons and pencil.
  • Activity ideas included to inspire learning and fun
  • Durable wooden construction
  • Helps teach color recognition and pre-literacy skills; encourages fine motor skills and imaginative play.

  • Everyone likes getting letters! Sending and receiving "mail" is even more fun with this toy mailbox, complete with a bright red flag. The sturdy wooden box comes with letter and number stickers so kids can decorate it with their name, address or a special message. The hinged door opens to make room for two postcards and a ruled letter and envelope, all reusable with the wipe-clean crayons that come with the set. Need even more inspiration Drawing activities and play ideas are included to keep this letter box filled with creative correspondence and lots of fun!
    Brand: Melissa & Doug, Model: 4089, Color: red, Size: NO SIZE

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