Melissa & Doug Fridge Groceries Play Food Cartons (8 pcs) - Toy Kitchen Accessories

Melissa & Doug
Out Of Stock


  • Play food cartons and packages look and feel like the real thing
  • Slightly smaller scale makes them easy to store in most play kitchens
  • Boxes and cans open; Deli Cheese and Deli Slices contain play-food pieces
  • Helps teach hand-eye coordination, matching and independent play
  • Ages 3 years and up

  • These versatile play packages look and feel just like the real thing! Their slightly smaller scale makes them easy to store in most play kitchens, and easy to handle as children open and close the tops, fill and empty the cans and boxes, and prepare countless pretend-play meals. The packages of Deli Cheese and Deli Slices even contain play-food pieces to add to the fun. Count them, stack them, sort them . . . then store them away in their realistic containers until your next culinary adventure!
    Brand: Melissa & Doug, Model: 4316, Color: Multi Colored

    Custom Tab 01

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