Mehron Makeup Liquid Face and Body Paint (1 oz) (PINK)

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  • Highly pigmented, water based. Each 1 ounce bottle of Mehron Liquid Face Paint will work for 20-70 applications.
  • Can be applied with a brush, sponge or an airbrush, perfect halloween makeup for all ages
  • Perfect for full body painting or for getting things moving quickly with crowds at events and carnivals. Halloween makeup is always the best use
  • Removes easily with soap and water
  • Made in the USA

  • MEHRON LIQUID MAKEUP- 1oz This highly pigmented water-based liquid makeup dries quickly and completely. It is formulated to be smudge-proof and last longer than ordinary liquid makeup, while maintaining a creamier texture. Mehron's Liquid Makeup is the professional's choice for all types of applications. Easily dilutes with Mehron's Mixing Liquid to create a great airbrush makeup. It is available in a variety of sizes including 1 oz, 4.5 oz, 16 oz, and 1 Gallon containers HOW TO USE THIS PRODUCT Liquid Makeup may be used with a sponge, fingers or a brush. Apply directly to the skin. It can also be diluted with Mixing Liquid in equal parts for use as an airbrush makeup (great for large cast scenes and full or partial body coverage). Liquid Makeup is also used to create custom colors of Liquid Latex or 3-D Gel. THE MEHRON STORY Mehron Makeup has been the leader in professional makeup for over 90 years. Our products are used on the runway, stage, and movie sets around the world. Top Industry artists have a strong passion for our product, and now Mehron Makeup's Professional Makeup is available to everyone looking for SUPERIOR performance for every-day use. Mehron Makeup is proud to offer distinct professional products for each of the our three major makeup segments: Beauty, Body Art, and Performance. Proudly MADE IN THE USA.
    Brand: Mehron, Color: Pink, Size: 1 oz

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