Mattel Disney Villain Classics Ursula Doll

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  • Inspired by the classic Disney film, The Little Mermaid
  • Dressed in her most classic Disney look
  • Ursula dominates the sea with her large, deep-purple body and eight curved tentacles
  • Features her golden seashell necklace that captures and holds Ariel's beautiful voice in the film
  • True-to-the-movie dolls collectibles that moms and daughters will treasure for years

  • Now two of the most iconic Disney villains of all time are available in the Disney Signature Collection Villain collection. Ursula, the evil sea witch from The Little Mermaid, and the Evil Queen from Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs are spellbinding in their signature outfits that are recognized from their timeless tales. Ursula dominates the sea with her large, deep-purple body and eight curved tentacles, wearing her golden seashell necklace that captures and holds Ariel's beautiful voice in the film. The Evil Queen looks terrifyingly beautiful in her dramatic cape and gown and golden tiara, clutching her iconic poisonous apple. Both fashions have been crafted with exquisite detail, making these true-to-the-movie dolls collectibles that moms and daughters will treasure for years. Dolls cannot stand alone. Each sold separately. Ages 3 and older.
    Brand: Mattel, Model: BDJ32

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