Mattel Disney Sparkle Princess Merida Doll

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  • Based on the beloved Princess Merida, from Disney's animated hit Brave
  • Merida is absolutely dazzles in head to toe sparkling fashions with a unique silhouette that celebrates her courageous spirit
  • Relive favorite fairy tale scenes with this royal beauty all dressed up for the moment when her dreams come true!
  • Help Merida learn to act like a princess
  • Collect them all and sparkle happily ever after (sold separately)

  • Beloved Princess Merida, from Disney's animated hit Brave, absolutely dazzles in head to toe sparkling fashions befitting this courageous star. She wears a sheer gold crown atop her lush, long red curls, a shimmery bodice and an iconic, bold gold belt. Girls will love recreating favorite scenes with this royal heroine who is all dressed up for the moment when her dreams come true! Other enchanting princesses in the collection include Cinderella, Ariel, Belle, Sleeping Beauty, Snow White, Tiana and Jasmine. Collect them all and sparkle ever after! Each sold separately. Ages 3 and older.
    Brand: Mattel, Model: CFB78

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