Mattel Disney Frozen Anna and Kristoff Doll Wedding Gift Set

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  • Celebrate the wedding of Anna and Kristoff!
  • These favorite Disney Frozen characters appear together dressed in elaborate headdresses and beautiful capes
  • Gift set also comes with two trolls: the mystical and affectionate creatures who live in the woods!
  • Girls will love playing out the wedding scene from the movie Frozen with these four characters
  • Includes small dolls Anna and Kristoff and 2 trolls

  • The story of Disney's Frozen is one of epic adventure and nonstop magic! Here, four characters come together in one charming gift set that will delight fans of the film. Small dolls Anna and Kristoff are dressed for a special occasion: their wedding! They feature elaborate headdresses and beautiful capes over their traditional wintry outfits. Anna and Kristoff are joined by two mystical troll figures who look as affectionate and friendly as ever. Each troll is wearing its simple tunic and crystal necklace. Girls can join in on the joyous celebration as they re-enact the wedding scene from the movie Frozen. Includes small dolls Anna and Kristoff and 2 trolls.
    Brand: Mattel, Model: DFR79

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