Mattel AmiGami Dog Figure

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  • AmiGami is a totally new way to play and express your creativity!
  • Every AmiGami figure is one-of-a-kind because they are Made By You!
  • Contains a plastic AmiGami dog that can be customized with 30 different colorful AmiGami paper parts
  • Includes 6 jewel pins to attach AmiGami paper parts and 1 curling tool to shape-n-style
  • Also includes 70 reusable stickers, such as eyes, jewelry, cupcakes, hearts, glasses and more!

  • AmiGami is a totally new way to play and express your creativity! Each set includes an adorable plastic AmiGami animal figure ready for you to make a one-of-a-kind creation. Choose from 30 different AmiGami paper parts -- like ears, tails, wings and hair -- that have colorful patterns on both sides and can be shaped to any style. Simply punch out a paper part and use the jewel pins to attach onto the plastic figure. There is no wrong way to create your AmiGami figure -- you can use tails as ears or ears as wings! Also includes a curling tool to make awesome spirals. Add on even more cuteness with 70 reusable stickers to choose from, such as a variety of eyes, jewelry, hearts, glasses and more. You can keep it simple, make it wild, stack them or curl them! With more than 500 combinations to create, every AmiGami figure is unique because they are "Made by You!”.
    Brand: Mattel, Model: BLV27

    Custom Tab 01

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