Magnificent Metal WatchDecor - Benzara

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Bring the bare walls alive with this wonderful metal wallDecor. It will add beauty and change the overall look of your room space. In shape of a wristwatch, it has a round dial in pastel green, with the outer circle of the dial and straps in pearls. The numbers and hands of this metal watchDecor is black in color that gives it a classy feel. You can place it on the wall your living room, drawing room, hallway, entryway or patio. This wallDecor will seize attention for people for sure.
  • Artistically Crafted to suit all modish interiors
  • Easy to maintain and high style quotient
  • Ideal gift option

Material: Metal
Color: Multicolor
Product Dimension: L9.25" W36" H1.75" (Weight: 9.9 LB)
Package Dimension: L37" W3" H11" (Weight: 11 LB)

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