Madame Alexander Firebird Ballerina Doll

Madame Alexander
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  • Her ballet costume pairs a red, crushed velour leotard with a red and gold flecked tulle tutu
  • She wears beige pantyhose and red satin lace-up ballet slippers
  • Her red, black and gold mask with embroidered appliques and feathers complete this look; A perfect gift for any ballerina fan
  • Eighty Five years ago, the Alexander Doll Company was founded on the belief that dolls should engage the imagination
  • It also helps in the child's psychological and educational development

  • This fully articulated 8" classic Wendy doll has light brown skin with brown eyes and dark brown hair pulled into a high ponytail resplendent with curls.
    Brand: Madame Alexander, Model: 68160

    Custom Tab 01

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