Madame Alexander DC Comics Harley Quinn Doll, 16"

Madame Alexander
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  • A super villainous collectible and poseable 16-inch doll.
  • Dressed in Harley Quinn's notorious outfit. Includes oversize "wooden" mallet accessory.
  • Part of Madame Alexander's DC Super Heroes and Villains Collection.
  • Recommended for ages 14 and up.
  • Quality craftsmanship that demonstrates "love is in the details."

  • Inspired by DC Comics Harley Quinn, this 16-inch fully articulated Alex doll is revved up and ready to spread a little madness. Donning a one-piece catsuit of red and black stretch velvet with black diamonds, the Joker's girlfriend is ready to make her puddin' proud. Sporting red and black gloves, Harley Quinn is ready to hammer home her point with her oversized brown "wooden" mallet. An off-white matte satin collar trimmed with mini pom poms, sheer pleated cuffs, black eye mask, black and red ankle boots, and a red and black jester hood completes her maniacal look. Show off your mad love for this super villain by bringing Harley Quinn home. About Madame Alexander Doll Company: Since 1923, we have proudly upheld Madame Alexander's vision to inspire and engage a child's imagination by crafting beautiful dolls to love, play, and grow up with. The Madame Alexander Doll Company encourages girls of all ages and stages to enjoy a lifetime of doll fun, play, gifting, and collecting with quality products that include Madame Alexander Play, Baby, Fashion, and Collection. After all, as Madame Alexander herself said, "Love is in the details."
    Brand: Madame Alexander, Model: 69985, Color: N/a, Size: 16"

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