Lottie Doll Autumn Leaves

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  • Doll dressed in a Duffel coat, Scarf, Hat, Boots, Long sleeved t-shirt with a removable patch, Corduroy skirt and Striped leggings. Hair: Blonde; Eyes: Blue.
  • Lottie, Finn and Friends are based on nine-year-old children, inspired by real kids and created with childhood in mind.
  • Lottie Dolls are 7 inches (18cm) tall, very portable and easy for little hands to carry around.
  • Award winning doll: With our vision to create dolls that would empower children to be themselves, to be imaginative, adventurous and - most of all - to have fun, to date Lottie Dolls have won 35 International Awards.
  • Autumn Leaves Lottie doll is a perfect partner for the Biscuit the Beagle Accessory Set.

  • Doll dressed in a Duffel coat, Scarf, Hat, Boots, Long sleeved t-shirt with a removable patch, Corduroy skirt and Striped leggings. Hair: Blonde; Eyes: Blue. Lottie, Finn and Friends are based on nine-year-old children, inspired by real kids and created with childhood in mind. Lottie Dolls are 7 inches (18cm) tall, very portable and easy for little hands to carry around. Award winning doll: With our vision to create dolls that would empower children to be themselves, to be imaginative, adventurous and - most of all - to have fun, to date Lottie Dolls have won 35 International Awards. Autumn Leaves Lottie doll is a perfect partner for the Biscuit the Beagle Accessory Set.
    Brand: Lottie, Model: 49112

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