LorAnn Oils Candy Mold, Jewel Shapes

LorAnn Oils
Out Of Stock


  • One mold in the shape of jewels
  • Durable, reusable molds specially designed to withstand the high heat necessary for making hard candy
  • Plastic molds are tempered to handle high heat
  • Can also be used with chocolates
  • Hexagon and rectangle molds are flexible enough to bend for break-apart candy pieces

  • Durable, flexible, re-usable plastic molds are tempered to withstand high temperatures necessary for making hard candy. Can also be used to create molded chocolates. Measures about 7.5" X 9.5". Wash in hot water. Not dishwasher safe. This set contains three molds, each in a different shape. The jewels mold will make 48 jewels in 10 different shapes, each measuring from 3/4" to 1" across, and 1/8" thick. The rectangle mold will make 64 emerald-cut pieces measuring 3/4" wide, 1" across, and 1/4" thick. The hexagon mold will make 90 pieces measuring 3/4" across and 1/4" thick.
    Brand: LorAnn Oils, Model: LOR 5486,5542,5543, Color: Jewels

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