Lolli Living Sparrow Crib Bed Skirt - Tripod

Lolli Living
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  • CRIB BUMPER (Kayden COLLECTION). A stylish and secure accent to your baby's crib, the Lolli Living Crib Bumper is lined with 100% cotton shell. Flip between the Elle Elephant and Mint Scallop patterns
  • ENERGY AND SPIRIT OF CHILDHOOD. Modern, eclectic, and inspired. The brand evokes nostalgic flashbacks for parents while creating new memories for little ones. Colors, patterns and textures intermix for a blend that is unmistakably "Lolli-fied
  • MOD KIDS. Modern, eclectic and inspired. Lolli bedding, accessories, and gifts stand out amongst the crowd in the rooms of both babies and kids. Creating fun and modern products, style is never compromised
  • BEYOND THE BEDROOM. Past the pillows, sheets, and fuzzy blankets, add dashes of decor to your cozy den with different options for lighting, storage, and gifts . Explore your favorite designs with Lolli's complete collections
  • FAMILY-OWNED. What began 50 years ago as a family business, Living Textiles Co. has since transformed into a creative design house of modern home accessories and lifestyle collections

  • Living Textiles Co. was born in 1963 out of a garage and home office in Sydney, Australia. Through a combination of the right people, experience, and an eye for contemporary design creativity, this small brand continued to grow into a leading name in family households worldwide.


    Lolli Living offers stylish patterns and designs such as the Elle Elephant and Mint Scallop patterns which pair seamlessly with other Lolli Living collections. Matching nicely with other products and accessories, you can feel like a pro customizing your baby's room.


    Creating the best ambience to kick off your little one's dreams, each collection was carefully crafted with stylish color schemes and chic patterns that will uphold standards and stay on trend for years to come.

    LIFESTYLE Lolli Living follows the original plan of its parent company, Living Textiles Co., to not only spice up a room but inspire a colorful lifestyle. This brand adds an authentic element to a space where children will feel uplifted and comforted to be themselves.

    SETTING THE BAR Through evolution and commitment, your Living Textiles Co. products will never lack in the quality department. Using the highest quality materials and colorful, dynamic designs, it's safe to say Lolli Living will continue down this unparalleled path.

    Today, Living Textiles Co. is a creative design house obsessed with our 3 founding principles of innovation, value, and quality. From Australia with love, we are proud to create for your family thoughtfully-designed quality products to inspire the designer within.
    Brand: Lolli Living, Model: 121019, Color: Sparrow Tripod, Size: Bed Skirts

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