Badger Basket Folding Basket and Storage Cube, Blue

Badger Basket
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  • Lightweight baskets for extra storage anywhere in the house, particularly in closets
  • Soft bottoms won't scratch furniture
  • Perfect for books and magazines
  • Helpful handles for lifting and carrying
  • Spot clean as needed

  • This handy basket is lightweight, easy to carry around, won't scratch your furniture, and folds flat for storage! Fabric covered cube is useful and stylish, ideal for storing and organizing diapers, supplies, lotions, baby blankets, towels, toys, and more. Particularly handy when used on or near your changing table in the nursery. Use it anywhere around the house - in closets and cabinets, too! The perfect size for books and magazines. Helpful handles on the sides for lifting and carrying. Remove the bottom insert panel and the cube folds flat! Makes it easy to buy a few to keep on hand for occasional use without taking up too much space when they are empty. Soft, fabric covered bottom is gentle on furniture - won't scratch! Available in a variety of fabrics and colors, all with reinforced binding around all edges. Basket measures 10.25 inches W x 11.25 inches D x 9.25 inches H. Basket can be spot cleaned with a damp cloth. Do not immerse basket in water. Actual basket/colors may vary slightly from screen display.

    Brand: Badger Basket, Model: 00841, Color: Blue, Size: 2

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