Littlest Pet Shop PetUltimate Apartments

Littlest Pet Shop
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  • Spacious playset with room for 30 pets of varying sizes (each sold separately)
  • Handle for on-the-go fun
  • 2 fun accessories and 1 habitat/base
  • Includes playset, 1 Classic- and 1 Teensie-scale pet, 2 accessories, and 1 habitat/base

  • There really is no place like home – especially when that home is a flat in the fabulous PetUltimate Apartments complex! There sure is plenty for pets to do here. Kids can imagine them swimming in the rooftop fishbowl, playing on the swing or zooming down the slide! Beds and nooks abound, giving pets plenty of places to rest after an action-packed day. Cat towers on the roof allow pets to keep an eye on all the action, while a swinging perch is just the right spot to sit for a bit. Top- and bottom-level doghouse doors are convenient for a canine resident (sold separately), and it looks like management provides a water bowl and food dish for the pets and their friends! The playset comes complete with 2 pet tenants (a kitty and her goldfish bestie), and fits up to 30 pets of various sizes (each sold separately). Best of all, the playset closes up and can be taken just about anywhere for on-the-go fun! Littlest Pet Shop and all related characters are trademarks of Hasbro.
    Brand: Littlest Pet Shop, Model: C1158

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