Little Mommy Wipey Dipey African-American Doll

Little Mommy
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  • Girls feed their Little Mommy doll and surprise they need a diaper change
  • Makes lots of silly sounds a phrases
  • Doll will use diaper in a new no water, no mess way using lights
  • Girls can clean their babys diaper using the included wipe
  • No water, no mess technology leads to fun, continuous play

  • Mattel Little Mommy Wipey Dipey African-American Doll

    Mattel Little Mommy Wipey Dipey African-American Doll lets kids nurture their own baby. This doll comes with a bottle and wiper. It's also capable of making sounds. Once this doll has her drink from the bottle, it uses its diaper for cleaning up. The diaper remains mess free and does not use water for cleaning up.

    Why You'll Love It: It's a mess-free way baby can play parent. Age: 3 years and up Features
  • Makes sounds and speaks phrases
  • Uses light for cleaning up
  • Includes
  • An elegant doll
  • A bottle
  • Wipes

  • Brand: Little Mommy, Model: T7047, Size: 12.5"

    Custom Tab 01

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